"...from plankton to predators...Combining interesting (and often humorous) commentary from an animated crab named Henry, excellent camerawork...and helpful tips for exploring tidepools (including a handy dandy demo on how to make a water microscope), this comprehensive introduction is enthusiastically recommended..." VIDEO LIBRARIAN
Amazing Creatures of the Tidepools provides, in this two-volume set, a thorough and stunning examination of the tidepools along the rocky coasts of Oregon and California. With an amusing animated Hermit Crab as the "tidepool expert" and with the assistance of marine biologists and marine educators, students will visit one of the harshest and most brutal environments on earth.
Incredible underwater video segments provide the class with a crab's-eye-view of what it's like to live in a tidepool. Students will learn about the intertidal zones, how the tidepools are formed, the food web, which animals live where, who eats who, and how these fascinating creatures protect themselves from their environment and each other.
This video contains unique and rare footage. Climb aboard a floating marine laboratory where students will see first hand what it's like to be on a plankton collection trip, and through the use of video microscopes they will be able to see these tiny planktonic creatures. In addition, students will explore aquarium marine labs and get a detailed look at other extraordinary and seldom seen invertebrates that inhabit the tidepool environment. There are valuable tips on preparing for a trip to the tidepools, how to read a tide table, and the importance of preserving our seashores and oceans.
This must see Let's Explore Series, double video set, packs a real education punch with new exciting footage plus an extensive teacher activity and study guide.