"AMAZING CREATURES of the TIDE POOLS" Stock # 300TS Grades 3-8, Ages 8 to 13 TWO VOLUME Video Set-104 min Divided into 8 Main sections includes teacher guide and PPR for Libraries and Schools ISBN # 0-9641538-7-4... $79.95
Breathtakingly gorgeous videography of the Pacific shoreline and the sea plants and animals found in its tidepools...Mixing live-action video with still photography, video-microscopic images, computer graphics and animation, and underwater footage make this a visually stimulating production... Multicultural, mixed-gender, multiage groups are shown exploring the tidepools...The target age group will stay on task while viewing the video if it is broken into segments...The guide breaks the video into teachable segments...Off screen narrator, Mark Allen, deftly introduces new topics and transitions to on-screen activities. The name of each sea plant and animal is shown on-screen along with the scientific name...The technical aspects of the production are excellent, and the teaching objective are met...It would be an excellent program for ecology and science classes including tidepools in their curriculum, and for public libraries with a non-print collection on oceans and ecology."...SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL
Language Arts
"STORY STARTERS VOL. 1" Stock # LE200T GRADES 2-5 AGES 7-10 37 Min. Running Time includes Teacher Guide and PPR for Libraries and Schools ISBN# 0-9641538-1-5...$39.95
"From a haunted house, to discontented luggage, to a mysterious trunk, there is something here that will appeal to any young author...17 story-starter ideas to get their creative juices flowing...What are the steps in writing a story? This video answers that question for children"...SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL
"If ever you thought of writing a story, this is the video to see...Not only an assist for 7-10 year old student classroom activities, but for home use with friends...a great deal of fun."...CHILDREN'S VIDEO REVIEW NEWSLETTER
Social Studies
"THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF HOUSES" Stock # 100T GRADES 3-7 AGES 8-12 42 Min. Running Time includes Teacher Guide and PPR for Libraries and Schools ISBN# 0-9641538-0-7...$39.95
"Showing everything from caves to castles, this video gets kids to think about shelter in ways they've never imagined...The Wonderful World of Houses lays a strong foundation for an aspiring architect or engineer to build on."...USA TODAY
"An excellent commingling of architecture, climate, geography, culture, economics and humorous animation.".........CHILDREN'S VIDEO REVIEW NEWSLETTER
"Highly recommended for the primary grades...Accompanying the video is an extremely well-conceived study guide...This exceptional study guide is one of the very best that I have examined." 5-Stars....VIDEO RATING GUIDE FOR LIBRARIES